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At Sleepy Hollow Haunted Acres we have three of the best haunted attractions in the Philadelphia area.  We are close to New Jersey and located in the center of Bucks County.  Ride the SLEEPY HOLLOW HAYRIDE on a mile and a quarter trip through acres of dark woods and fields.  Explore the old Malfate Manor also known as THE HOUSE IN THE HOLLOW, quite possibly the most haunted house in Bucks County. Dare to venture into the FIELD OF FRIGHT. Gather with family and friends by the warmth and safety of the BONFIRES with LIVE MUSIC.


REFRESHMENTS are available or you may bring your own but please respect our family friendly policy of NO ALCOHOL.


 Discover the secrets of a farm plagued with tragedy. This winding, mile-long hayride will keep you on edge as you encounter burning mines, a gothic graveyard, lawless backlands and a sideshow of the bizarre…among other sites. Beware, ill-fated spirits inhabit these dark woods and fields.


Quite possibly the most haunted house in Bucks County.  MALFATE MANOR is known by neighborhood children as “The House in the Hollow.” If you can escape the old manor, you still must conquer the expansive graveyard and forbidden crypt.   To get a glimpse of the moldering rooms and passages watch the video below.


We have created an ALL NEW FIELD ADVENTURE FOR 2019 and we can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself.  See some of the excitement that awaits you in this video filmed entirely in “The Field.”  

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